Life is much more interesting upside down.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Striking beauty is underrated.
Noone has the time to reflect into the subtleties. We want something striking, something powerful, something instant. Photo frames of visual satisfaction. Captivation has transformed from the written word to cheap billboards.
We want sexy
We want impulse
We want luxury
It is a human impulse we have inherited to focus on the straightforward and trample upon anything that takes a moment or two to digest.
Fawning over tacky advertisements and airbrushed reality instead of paying attention to what's infront of our own faces. Blinded by the fog of media's illusion.

We are being hit by the plague of beauty illiteracy.

Blocking the fine arts and binging on limelight fantasy.

From a few generations, we've skipped from Madame Butterfly to Jersey Shore.
Shakespeare to Perez Hilton
Emmerson to The Simpsons
Chopin to American Idol

regressing faster and faster.

What's really to be proud of? The fact that we have variety from millions of different entertainment... or the amnesia of artistic talent.

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