Life is much more interesting upside down.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Sometimes, you need to take a day and do something for yourself. Sometimes, you just need to forget about whatever consequences are haunching at your shoulders and do something.... different, whatever your guilty pleasure may be.
Go for an extra long break, don't go to work or school at all, stay in bed all day... and the list goes on. As I lay in bed currently ( yes, it is almost noon and yes, I should be at school) I can't help but think about how simply wonderful it is to say "fuck you" to our schedules.

It's this tiny little high of rebellion that can make a giant change.
We follow these schedules, these time tables of life day after day becoming literal slaves to time. With such a finite existence, should we spend most of it repeating the same things?
Go. Mix your life up. Piss someone off. Do something
Just for you.

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